The Impacts of Watching Videos on Improving Tertiary-Level Students’ English Language Speaking Skill
Corresponding Author(s) : Jamil Rahman Zayraey
Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities,
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): January
In the current era of integrating innovative teaching and learning tools and methods, video-based learning has become a valuable strategy for language instructors and learners. Therefore, students utilize this effective strategy within their classroom activities and integrate it into their independent learning tasks outside their classroom environment. This research aims to explore the impacts of watching videos on improving tertiary-level students’ English language speaking skill, with a further focus on vocabulary, motivation, pronunciation, and associated sub-skills. This study employed a quantitative survey design for data collection to determine the extent of descriptive statistics related to the research topic. The participants consisted of 28 non-native English-speaking students enrolled in the sophomore class of the English Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Kandahar University. The findings of the current study revealed that students’ engagement with watching videos improved their speaking skill, including vocabulary, motivation, pronunciation, and other associated sub-skills. Among these, watching videos helped students improve their speaking skills, which helped them effectively incorporate these skills into their daily classroom speaking activities. The current study's findings will encourage English language instructors to include video-watching practices closely related to their daily classroom content.
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Ariyanto, N., Rochsantiningsih, D., & Pudjobroto, H. (2018). Enhancing students’ speaking skill by using YouTube videos. English Education, 6(3), 278-284.
Balcikanli, C. (2011). Metacognitive awareness inventory for teachers (MAIT).
Cross, J. (2011). Comprehending news videotexts: The influence of the visual content.
Derwing, T. M., & Munro, M. J. (2015). Pronunciation fundamentals: Evidence-based perspectives for L2 teaching and research. John Benjamins.
Dinh, T. H. T. (2023). The Effect of Video Clips on Students’ Speaking Performances. International Journal of Language Instruction, 2(1), 40-50.
Dörnyei, Z. (2001). New themes and approaches in second language motivation research. Annual review of applied linguistics, 21, 43-59.
Fitriyeni, T. W., & Widyastuti, T. (2020). Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Using Video. Jurnal Aksara Public, 2507, 1-9.
Gilmore, A. (2007). Authentic materials and authenticity in foreign language learning. Language teaching, 40(2), 97-118.
Jeliseh, M. T., & Gilakjani, A. P. (2022). The impact of using educational videos on EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 19(2), 619-627.
Julaihah, S. (2021). The Impact of Using Video Media in Increasing Motivation for Speaking Ability. Jurnal Penelitian, 6(1), 56-63.
Juma, M. J. (2021). Developing English pronunciation through animation and YouTube videos. Arab World English Journal, 12(4), 401-414.
Katawazai, R., & Saidalvi, A. (2020). The attitudes of tertiary level students towards cooperative learning strategies in Afghan EFL Context. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(9), 301–319.
Katawazai, R. (2021). Implementing outcome-based education and student-centered learning in Afghan public universities: the current practices and challenges. Heliyon, 7(5).
Krashen, S. (1992). The input hypothesis: An update. Linguistics and language pedagogy: The state of the art, 409-431.,+S.+(1985).+The+Input+Hypothesis:+Issues+and+Implications.+Longman.+&ots=pDISahWZbh&sig=ZKn1GXUqvnGj-TxO8kkjHxAdiIY
Liu, X., & Moeller, A. J. (2019). Promoting learner engagement through interactive digital tools.
Mayer, R. E. (2014). Multimedia instruction. Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 385-399.
Rick, A. M. M., Mohd, W. N. H. W., Rahman, M. A., Sukiman, S. A., Mokhtar, R., & Katawazai, R. (2022). Exploring Online Group Work Using Tuckman’s Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 187 – 205.
Riswandi, D. (2016). Use of YouTube-based videos to improve students’ speaking skill. In Proceeding of the international conference on teacher training and education 2(1), 298-306.
Utami, H. S., & Morganna, R. (2022). Improving students’ English pronunciation competence by using shadowing techniques. English Franca: Academic Journal of English Language and Education, 6(1), 127-150.
Wagner, E. (2007). Test-takers' interaction with an L2 video listening test. System, 38(2), 280-291.
Yuksel, D., & Tanriverdi, B. (2009). Effects of watching captioned movie clip on vocabulary development of EFL learners. Online Submission, 8(2).