Editor in Chief

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    Prof. Dr. Hamid Salari
    • Editor in Chief
    • PHD in Agriculture Sciences
    • Vice Chancellor of Academic Research, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Executive Editor

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    Assistant. Prof. Abdullah Noori
    • Executive Editor
    • Master of Education
    • Head of Department of Academic Journals, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Editorial Board Members

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    Associate Prof. Abdulkarim Wasil
    • Senior Editor
    • Master of English Language & Literature
    • Kabul University, Afghanistan
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    Sr. Teaching Assistant Mohammad Hussain Ahmadzai
    • Senior Editor
    • Master of Gender Studies
    • Kabul University, Afghanistan
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    Sr. Teaching Assistant Ehsanullah Faisal
    • Senior Editor
    • Master of Criminal Law
    • Washington University, USA
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    Sr. Teaching Assistant Ajmal Aryan
    • Senior Editor
    • PhD in Economics
    • Mangalore University, India
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    Associate Prof. Fareedullah Frahmand
    • Senior Editor
    • Master of Development Studies
    • Tata Institute of Social Sciences India
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    Assistant Prof. S. Sami Muzafary
    • Senior Editor
    • PhD in Management
    • Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
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    Sr. Teaching Assistant Mohammad Fareed Noorzad
    • Senior Editor
    • Master of Management & Organization
    • Selçuk University, Turkey
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    Associate Prof. Zabihullah Bashardost
    • Senior Editor
    • Master of International Relations
    • Shandong University, China