Capital Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Firms
Corresponding Author(s) : Ahsanullah Barakzai
Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities,
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): January
One of a company's most crucial financial management decisions is its capital structure, which, when adopted correctly and successfully, can almost ensure its objectives are met. Capital structure affects the cost of capital and is important in enhancing a company's operational performance. The capital structure decision is a cornerstone of corporate financial management, influencing both short-term performance and long-term viability. To find the best debt-to-equity ratio for sustainable growth and shareholder value, businesses must carefully consider their industry dynamics, business climate, and financial objectives. Given the importance of this issue, this study's main goal is to look into how capital structure decisions affect the financial performance of Turkish firms in the food, textile, and fabricated metal subsectors between 2011 and 2020. In this study, short-term liability (STL) and long-term liability (LTL) are used as capital structure measures, return on Assets and return on equity are used as firm performance measures, and sales growth and company size are considered control variables. The findings of this study indicate a negative association between debt and the operating performance of these companies in all three sectors. This implies that companies in the aforementioned industries will have to forfeit some of their company's worth if they raise the amount of debt in their capital mix.
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Jaros, J., & Bartosova, V. (2015). To the capital structure choice: Miller and Modigliani model. Procedia Economics and Finance, 26, 351–358.
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Obuya, D. O. (2017). Debt financing option and financial performance of micro and small enterprises: A critical literature review. International Journal of Business and Management, 12(3), 221–231.
Olukayode, A. E., Philip, A. O., & Lydia, O. Y. (2017). A critical appraisal of financial reporting disclosure on performance of quoted companies in Nigeria. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 5(12), 1–15.
Onchong’a, E. A., Muturi, W., & Atambo, W. (2016). Effects of debt financing on business firms’ financial performance. International Journal of Social Science and Information Technology, 2(5), 723–737.
Salawu, R. O., & Awolowo, O. (2009). The effect of capital structure on profitability: An empirical analysis of listed firms in Nigeria. The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 3(2), 121–129.
Thao, N. (2016). Capital structure and firm performance: Evidence from emerging markets [Master’s dissertation, VAASA University].
Tifow, A., & Sayilir, O. (2015). Capital structure and firm performance: An analysis of Turkish manufacturing. Eurasian Journal of Business and Management, 3(4), 13–22.
Tripathy, D. S. (2017). Debt and profitability: Evidence from Indian firms. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Vijayakumaran, R. (2017). Capital structure decisions and corporate performance: Evidence from Chinese listed industrial firms. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting.
Yapa Abeywardhana, D. (2017). Capital structure theory: An overview. Accounting and Finance Research, 6(1).